HiPerFect Transfection Reag基因转染试剂0.1ml
描述:用于向真核细胞转染siRNA和miRNA。试剂盒包含 - 可进行33次24孔盘转染,或133次96孔盘转染的HiPerFect转染试剂。优点 - 可在低siRNA浓度下高效地转染。
Superior Performance: highest AAV titers for increased number of doses per batch. Scalable: robust and flexible to support small to large scale production. Cost-effective: reduced cost per dose for
DNAfectin Plus 转染试剂
Product Name:DNAfectin Plus Transfection, Reagent. Full Product Name:DNAfectin Plus Transfection Reagent.
293fectin 转染试剂
293fectin Transfection Reagent is a proprietary, cationic lipid-based formulation for transfecting DNA into eukaryotic cells. This reagent is optimized for transfecting suspension 293 human embryonic
FuGENE® HD 转染试剂
FuGENE® HD Transfection Reagent(FuGENE® HD 转染试剂)是一种新型的非脂质体制剂,用于将DNA 转染到多种细胞系中,高效低毒。该系列产品从即日起-2012年底降价促销!
QIAGEN PCR Cloning Kit PCR产物转殖试剂组_40
描述:用于通过Taq DNA聚合酶直接克隆PCR产物。试剂盒包含 - 40次反应剂量 - 2x Ligation预混液(200 ul)、pDrive克隆载体(2.0 ug)、蒸馏水(1.7 ml)。优点 - 快速、简便的操作步骤。