LL Rapid FluoProbes 647H (3 reactions each up to 200ug)
商家询价 欣博盛生物科技有限公司
Caspase Staining Kit, CaspGLOW Green
商家询价 北京普博斯生物科技有限公司
InnovaCoat Gold 40nm Biotin 200ul
LL Rapid Fluorescein (3 reactions each up to 200ug)
Ovalbumin Immunogen Kit (For Carboxyls) 1x2mg
Caspase-2 Fluorometric Assay Kit
LL Rapid FluoProbes 647H (1 reaction up to 2mg scale)
Alkaline Phosphatase Fluorometric Activity Assay Kit
StayBrite Highly Stable ATP Assay Kit
Genomic DNA Isolation Kit